
Our Story

Our Story

Digi-Stage is the brand passionately supported by two entrepreneurs from İzmir, whose paths crossed during coaching training in 2012 and have never parted since.

Emi Nevaro and Müge Bakiler, with extensive experience in corporate management, have specialized in executive coaching, team coaching, and leadership training. Their greatest excitement in this ongoing journey has been collaborating together. They have formed a complementary and inspiring partnership to achieve this.

Passionately embracing their work, being open and even hungry to learn, supporting each other for the courage to move forward and doing it with fun are the core values of this duo.

Bringing this philosophy to life, Digi-Stage is established to create unique and innovative products.

For New Generation Solutions for Changing Needs: Digi-Stage

In this phase where trainings and intra-team communications have largely turned digital, some needs could not be met and the bonds and interactions between team members could not be nurtured as much as before, which triggered the emergence of the Digi-Stage brand.

We set out with the goal of revitalizing team spirit, increasing motivation, and creating an engaging learning environment by bringing experiential learning methods, traditionally used in face-to-face settings, into the digital realm.

Digi-Stage offers next-generation solutions aimed at supporting team cohesion, collaborative work, and learning during this era of constant transformation in training and organizational needs. The process is designed to keep participants actively engaged and focused, targeting three dimensions of benefit: Individual Dimension, Relationship Dimension, and Team Dimension.



Emi Nevaro


Emi Nevaro, is a CTI (Coaching Training Institute ) and ICF (International Coaching Federation) certified coach, team coach and leadership trainer. 

Her coaching journey started with CTI when she became a CTI certified coach (CPCC) and later was accredited with an PCC  degree by ICF. She then completed the Co-Active Leadership Program in Barcelona. Subsequently, to deepen her knowledge about relationship systems, she completed both the program of Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) designed by CRR and Systemic Team Coaching designed by AOEC. Emi is the co-designer and co-instructor of the course “The Inner Change” at Bilgi University LITE graduate program. She is also the expert trainer of the Churchill Leadership Group (based in US) training company in Turkey.

Upon graduating from Dokuz Eylul University BA Program, she started working at PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditor, then continued her career at The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) founding team in Turkey as Finance Manager. She completed the Executive MBA master’s program at Boğaziçi University in 2012.

Müge Bakiler


Müge Bakiler is an executive coach, team coach, leadership trainer and facilitator accredited by the International Coaching Federation, with a PCC title.

In 2012, she completed the coaching training and certification process from CTI and received the CPCC title. She also completed Academy of Executive Coaching (AOEC), Executive Coaching and Systemic Team Coaching Trainings in 2015. She is one of the trainers of the AOEC Executive Coaching Program in Turkey. She is also working as a senior consultant in Turkey for UK-based Speak First and Netherlands-based Schouten Global training companies. After receiving the Logotherapy training on finding meaning, she has an Academic Associate in Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy certificate from the Viktor Frankl Logotherapy Institute.

She graduated from METU Chemical Engineering in 2000. She completed her MBA focused on Marketing field at Koç University. At her career, product managements at the FMCG sector were followed by entrepreneurship and managerial experience in their family company. She also did voiceovers for television channels and worked as the marketing coordinator of a theater.

Start Your Journey with Digi-Stage!

We are here to achieve your goals together with you. Contact us now and take the first step on your development journey!